The favorite prize of all Doggies 😍 !
And in addition to fascinating them, it favors the production of red blood cells due to its high content of Zinc and will help you have healthier skin.
Suitable for 🐶 and 🐱
🐮 high quality protein
🐮 High in Zinc, Iron and Copper
🐮 Promotes dental health
Cow liver
PriceFrom $30.00
Out of Stock
🌟 Beneficios
⚠️ Cuidados
🐮 Proteína de alta calidad
🐮 Alta en Zinc, Hierro y Cobre
🐮 Contiene vitaminas del grupo B
🐮 Alto en vitamina A
🐮 Contienen Omega 3 y 6
🐮 Fomenta la salud dental